IARDET Committee has honor to announce two(2) Paper Awards which strives to acknowledge outstanding performance in the contributors progress of the science and engineering in the following three categories. The awards will be determined from viewpoints of the clarity of presentation, technical merits of scientific level and novelty, and impact on the Science, Management, Engineering and Technology  of Innovative Research work.

Best Paper Award:

A “Best Paper Award” will be conferred to the author(s) of a full paper presented at the conference, selected by the Program/Conference Chairs based on the best combined marks of paper reviewing, assessed by the Program Committee, and paper presentation quality, assessed by session chairs at the conference venue.

The Awards Will Be Announced And Bestowed At The Conference Closing Session.

The Author Of An Awarded Paper, And Co-Authors If Any, Will Be Entitled To:

A signed and stamped official award certificate;

The announcement of their achievement on a special conference webpage;

Having the paper included in the list of conference best papers and invited for an extended and revised version publication in a book or a journal, if a post-publication agreement is available for this particular conference.

Free Registration for  one conference of IARDET at preferred location. Selection Criteria: Papers will be reviewed and judged based on the criteria described below. Each paper will be given a score of 0 – 10 (where 0 is the lowest and 10 is the highest score) against each criterion. ​The score allocated to each paper by each reviewer shall be multiplied by the weighting and then added. The highest scoring paper shall be recommended for the Best Paper Award. Where two or more papers receive the same total score, the paper which has the highest score in the highest weighted criteria shall be recommended for the prize. If the papers are still tied, the highest score in the second highest weighted criteria will be recommended for the award, and so until a winner is found. Criteria: ​​ Originality (weighting 40%) Originality of contribution to knowledge with an emphasis on the paper’s innovativeness in one or more of; (i) theoretical development (ii) empirical results (iii) policy development Quality of Argument (weighting 30%) ​Quality of argument incorporating; (i)  critical analysis of concepts, theories and findings (ii) consistency and coherency of debate Positioning (weighting 15%) Clear positioning of paper in existing international literature with a conclusion(s) that is both convincing and of significant potential Writing Style (weighting 15%) Quality of writing style in term of accuracy, clarity, readability, and organisation of the paper

Best Presentation Award:

A “Best Presentation Award” will be conferred to the author(s) of a full paper presented at the conference, selected by the Program/Conference Chairs based on the best combined marks of paper reviewing, assessed by the Program Committee, and paper presentation quality, assessed by session chairs at the conference venue.

The “Best Presentation Award” Will Be Given To A Paper In Which The  Author who present paper in good manner as per the rules and regulations given by IARDET.

The Awards Will Be Announced And Bestowed At The Conference Closing Session.

The Author Of An Awarded Paper, And Co-Authors If Any, Will Be Entitled To:

A signed and stamped official award certificate;

The announcement of their achievement on a special conference webpage;

Having the paper included in the list of conference best papers and invited for an extended and revised version publication in a book or a journal, if a post-publication agreement is available for this particular conference;

Free Registration for  one conference of IARDET at preferred location.

Note: Registered Authors for Conference

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